Being prepared is key to protecting lives, assets, and business continuity. Our fire training services are designed to empower your employees with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to effectively respond to fire emergencies.
Yes and No, it is a very complicated subject actually.
If referring to fire procedures and fire drills, then Yes - to ensure evacuation can be achieved of all persons onsite without any risk to harm of any person.
This is required under Article 15 of The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.
The type of fire training is all subject to the size of the business, the complexity of the premises and the activities carried out there. For example, a small office of 5 – 10 staff, a formal training once a year with some online training might be suffice.
However, as with anything in fire safety it must be suitable and sufficient for the tasks at hand and ensure staff have suitable knowledge once the training has been completed to ensure they can react correctly in a fire situation.
Larger more complex building may require more formal training to ensure all elements of the legislation are known and a suitable volume of staff trained. Most organisations employ an external contractor to ensure suitable training is provided.
Numerous subjects are covered in the fire training to prepare staff for their tasks should a fire occur.
Examples include:
The law
Why do the training
Types of fire
The fire triangle
Human behaviours in fire
Activities to take in the case of a fire
Types of extinguishers and their use
When is safe to fight a fire and when it is not
Usually 2 – 2.5 hours for the classroom element of the training depending on staff participation. The more participation from staff the better the training due to engagement. A further half hour should cover the extinguisher section and practical use of extinguishers.
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